When you have high blood pressure, your heart has to work harder. It pumps more blood with each beat to raise your blood pressure and circulate it throughout your body. If your hypertension is left untreated, the strain from that excess workload could lead to extremely serious complications like heart disease, stroke, or kidney failure. How much stress do you feel when someone asks you about what foods lower blood pressure? altai balance reviews consumer reports
The truth is that there isn’t just one food that will bring down your blood pressure. However, eating a healthy diet full of fruits, vegetables and other nutrient-rich foods can help keep it in check. High blood pressure can be managed with lifestyle changes and medication. Eating a diet rich in these foods can also help lower your blood pressure naturally by reducing stress on the body and boosting its strength and ability to relax between beats so that the volume of blood pumped out per beat is lowered.
Foods That Help Lower Blood Pressure
To start with, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, beans and fish are great for your heart and blood pressure. If you are looking to lower your blood pressure naturally, start eating more of these foods and less of the foods that can raise your blood pressure such as salt, red meat, fatty dairy products, and sugary foods. You’ll want to avoid processed foods too, since they’re usually high in sodium. You can also use herbs to help lower your blood pressure. Rosemary, basil, turmeric, black pepper and ginger have all been linked to lowering blood pressure. There is some evidence that intake of wheat bran, barley and oats can reduce blood pressure.
Beans are a great source of fibre – a nutrient that helps lower blood pressure. Eating two cups of beans every day can reduce your blood pressure by as much as five points. You can try different types of beans in soups and stews, on their own as a side dish, in salads or baked in casseroles. You can also try using canned beans in place of meat in burritos, casseroles and soups.
Dark Leafy Greens
Dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, Swiss chard and beet greens are some of the best vegetables to lower blood pressure. They contain high levels of calcium, potassium and magnesium – nutrients that help keep your blood pressure low. Blending these vegetables into smoothies makes them easier to digest, so you can get their blood pressure-lowering benefits without having to chew them. You can also try making salads with these greens, or adding them to soups and side dishes.
Oatmeal has a lot of fibre, which is great for lowering blood pressure. You can eat it as is, or try baking it into healthy snacks. Oatmeal is also a good source of iron – a mineral that can help boost your blood flow, improving your blood pressure. You can try making oatmeal in different ways: baked, steamed, cooked in a slow cooker or in the microwave. Oatmeal is also easy to take on the go. You can make it in advance and keep it in an airtight container in the fridge.
Eggs are a great source of proteins and vitamins, including choline and vitamins B6 and B12. They’re also a plant-based source of iron, a mineral that helps boost blood flow. You can try making omelettes, scrambled eggs, egg-based salads, or adding them to baked goods. You can even use them in place of meat in casseroles and soups.
Walnuts and Other Nuts
Like beans and oats, walnuts are high in fibre. They’re also a good source of vitamin E, a vitamin that can help reduce the amount of cholesterol in your blood. You can add chopped walnuts to baked goods, or try making healthy snack bars with them. You can also add them to salads, or try making a walnut sauce for side dishes and desserts.
Other than foods, there are several natural supplements that can help to lower blood pressure. Resveratrol is a compound found in certain foods like berries and red wine. Research has shown that it can help lower blood pressure in some people. Quercetin is a supplement that supports cellular health, endothelial health, and healthy immune function, which can all contribute to lower blood pressure. Finally, NAC has been shown to be beneficial for respiratory health and improving lung function, which doesn’t directly lower blood pressure, but can help things like exercise becomes easier over time.
Blood pressure is a tricky thing to keep in check. With so many factors that can affect it, it’s hard to know where to start. However, there are plenty of foods that can help lower blood pressure. Start by eating more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans. You can also use herbs like rosemary, basil and turmeric, as well as supplements like resveratrol to lower your blood pressure.