When maintaining your overall health, your spine is among the organs that should be on the front line. Notably, the spine encases the spinal cord, a collection of nerves running from your lower back to the brain. These nerves help monitor the touch sensation, which helps you feel pain and temperature changes. Also, voluntary motion for your body is possible through the spinal cord. However, spinal complications such as Georgetown spinal stenosis can undermine your spinal cord’s capacity to execute sensory and motor functions. Fortunately, embracing the following strategies will help you prevent spinal stenosis.
Observe Your Posture
You may only know how much your posture can impact your spine health once you develop spinal problems. Poor posture, such as slouching when operating the computers, increases the chances of wear and tear along your spine, eventually triggering spinal stenosis. Therefore, you should adopt the correct posture that keeps your spine in a proper alignment, thus maintaining its wellness.
Get Moving
In modern days, busy working schedules are making some individuals miss physical activities. Consequently, this instance has heightened the number of people complaining of back pain due to spinal stenosis. Refraining from the exercises usually makes the spine discs stiff, exposing them to injuries when you start moving. You should therefore sacrifice thirty minutes daily to engage in physical activities to boost your spine flexibility.
Quit Smoking
Another reason why you should stop smoking is to keep your spine healthy. Notably, when you inhale smoke, the cigarette components constrict the blood vessels reducing the blood flow to your spine. Your spine will consequently have poor oxygen nourishment, increasing the likelihood of degeneration. Fortunately, there is still time to talk with your healthcare provider about the relevant steps that will help you kick off this deadly habit.
Maintain the Healthy Weight
Individuals with excessive weight are more predisposed to spinal stenosis. The extra body weight usually puts unnecessary pressure on the spinal structure, eventually reducing the spinal canal diameter. Substitute unhealthy diets with nutritious meals such as fruits and whole grains to achieve healthy weight ranges.
Stay Hydrated
How many glasses of water do you take each day? Perhaps you do not know since you do not keep a record. Once you understand how much dehydration can impact your spinal health, you will always keep a diary of your water intake. When you are dehydrated, the water from the spongy spinal structure seeps out to other body organs making the spinal disc vulnerable to injuries due to friction. Keep a water intake diary and ensure that you drink at least two to three liters of water each day for optimal hydration.
Spinal stenosis is one of the spine diseases that can hinder your mobility and sensation. Therefore, you should embrace healthy lifestyle guidelines to reduce the chances of this distressing condition. For instance, the correct posture when conducting daily activities such as sitting will help to keep your spine healthy. Maintaining a healthy weight is also necessary to avoid spinal injuries, thus preventing spinal stenosis. However, if you experience symptoms like sharp pain in your legs despite your lifestyle modifications, you should never ignore them. Seek the necessary treatment options since you could suffer from spinal stenosis.